Your authentic leadership style

Female Leadership Essentials is an unique concept that is tailored to the needs and challenges of female executives and leaders.

The combination of best practice, science and enrichment of leadership mehods with female perspectives and requirements has lead to the international success.

Female Leadership Essentials is the only concept, where scientific results from psychology, sociology, communications science is combined with business know-how and best practice from a successful international female executive leader.

Female Leadership Essentials © is at the same time scientifically sound and provenly effective in practice.

Your ambition

Do you want to take a next step in your career?

Do you enjoy leading, encouraging and growing people?

IDo you want to be your authentic self?

Do you miss female aspects and tailored leadership concepts?

Do you want to develop your personal leadership style?

Your individual development path

Female Leadership Essentials is much more than a concept. It helps you to always find and maintain the right balance between the necessary adaptation to the organization and authenticity.

Female Leadership Essentials offers you the opportunity to develop and successfully realize your own personal authentic development path. As you will remain authentic, you´ll be enjoying your work. You´ll be more effective and and will be able to solve challenging situations much easier.

Female Leadership Essentials combines attitude and competencies. In contrast to management, leadership focuses on people, results and purpose. Successful female leadership is therefore a combination of personal attitude, behavior and skills.

Female Leadership Essentials is your most important guide for your professional development, your career steps and your professional satisfaction.

Female Leadership Essentials was developed by Anita Jinju Wimmer and is protected by copyright.

Founder Anita Jinju Wimmer